Posts Tagged ‘omg work!’


Things to do

August 6, 2009

ENGL444 is starting to wind down in terms of what’s left to finish, and that’s good. Once the semester is over, I have plans to go to Cedar Point one last time for the year, catch a movie with Mom and take D to the Toledo Museum of Art. I like D. He was with the Institute for Social Research for years before he retired (probably a good 20 years ago), and I’m getting to know him through the Chalice Circle and First UU of Ann Arbor. He has a sly humor and is entirely self-aware. I think I want to be him when I grow up.

Today, Dad and I will head over to the house to do the minor repairs, and I’ll call the heating & cooling company to come over and inspect the furnace. And then I’ll turn it over to the property managers and hope they can find tenants. I think I’ll also head over to Halle after that. I need to write a bunch of stuff, and I seem to be able to do that more easily in a setting that *isn’t* home. Fewer distractions, I think.

And on a totally unrelated note, Jack Lessenberry tells us what he really thinks of I don’t disagree with him, but I’ve thought the same thing of The Ann Arbor News for years, so his comments aren’t exactly a revelation to me.


Good news, bad news, any news

July 20, 2009

Fannish project 1 was a success, and I’m happy about it. Now all I have to do is start fannish project 2 and be done with it in less than four weeks. Normally, my tendency to procrastinate would mean I’d start working on it in three weeks, four days. However, most of my work for ENGL444 is due at the same time, so that won’t work. I’m thinking I’ll finish fannish project 2 sometime this week, while I still have a bit of time.

Real world project 1 also needs my attention, but that will be an hour a day, and that’s manageable. Seriously.

Real world finance 1 is partially dealt with. Real world finances 4, 5 and 6 are on the immediate horizon. But first, I need to deal with real world finances 2 and 3, and both will be painful.

In short, I hate my to-do list, because it’s already full, and it doesn’t include homework. Damn it.


Happiness is a warm…something or other

July 18, 2009

Am currently at Halle Library and feeling virtuous about doing something with my wiki pages. I just hope I’m doing the right something. Meanwhile, I have a deadline for my sooper-sekrit identity and a call to make to Emmy about our not-so-sekrit project.

Hell, who am I kidding? I have deadlines all over the place, though I think I may try to kill one of those projects sooner rather than later. Specifically, I’m thinking about my reflective essay for the blogging assignment. I’ve had a blog since October 2003, so I think I’m safe to get this one done early.

My print-to-web page is … meh. I wanted to do one thing, but I’m having trouble getting the coding to behave the way I want it to, so I may go with a different, though equally valid, solution.

Am meeting with my grad project group tomorrow morning, which, yay! I’m looking forward to our meat-space meet-n-greet, because even though online works (kind of), it’s not the same as actual contact.

Hm. Speaking of virtuousity, I have a reading to complete and respond to. Busy, busy, busy…